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Choosing the best dairy goat breeds for your homestead or farm is a fun part of getting dairy goats! Each goat is unique (and hilarious, and fun, and silly, and sweet, and mischievous… lol), and, ok, yes, they can sometimes be grumpy. For the most part, though, almost every dairy goat I've ever owned (hundreds) has been pretty easygoing.

In this post of the “Raising Dairy Goats for Beginners” series, we're just going to go over the different breeds, the pros, and cons of each, etc. In the next post of this series, I'll give you tips on choosing the best goats for your homestead, things to look for, questions to ask, and what to avoid.
So, let's dive in and check out the different dairy goat breeds that are most popular in the United States.
What are the different breeds of dairy goats?
There are 9 different breeds of dairy goats currently recognized by the American Dairy Goat Association, and 9 identified by the American Goat Society as well. The AGS includes Pygmy goats as the 9th option, but personally, I classify them as more of a meat goat, so will not be covering them in this blog post. ADGA does not include Pygmy goats but does now include the Guernsey goat.
ADGA and AGS are two of the most prominent registries if you wish to breed registered dairy goats. Each breed has its own specific registry and there are registries for miniature goats as well as international registries.
Please know that I only bring up the registries and purebred goats because they give us our guidelines as to the specifics of each dairy breed. You can ABSOLUTELY have a “Heinz 57” goat as your favorite milker. Each breed of dairy goat has generalized characteristics that are typical of that breed. However, each goat is unique and you will definitely find some that didn't know there was a breed standard they were supposed to fit in, lol.
So, let's go over each recognized dairy goat breed in alphabetical order as a starting point for you to decide which direction you want to go. Also, these are just the breeds recognized in the United States. Ironically enough, most of these breeds originated in other countries, but I am not familiar with which breeds are recognized in which countries.
1. Alpine or French Alpine
The first breed of dairy goat we are going to look at is the Alpine or sometimes referred to as French Alpine. They're one of the most popular dairy goat breeds around and for good reason! They're tough, adaptable to almost any climate, and super productive. Plus, they're not just for milk production, when wethered (castrated) they make wonderful pack goats and can be used for meat.
ADGA lists 9 standard colors for Alpines. They range in color from brown to black to grey, and can also have white and even spots in areas. They have upright ears that give them a distinctive look and a straight face. They are a medium to large size breed, with the does weighing in at about 135 pounds and the bucks at around 170 pounds on average
Alpine dairy goats are big milk producers. Some does may produce up to 3 gallons of milk a day at their peak production, but remember that is the exception, not the average. One of the best parts about Alpines is that they are super easy to work with, and they have a friendly and calm demeanor that makes them a joy to have around.
2. Guernsey or Golden Guernsey
Guernsey goats are the newest breed to be recognized by ADGA. They originated on one of the Channel Islands off the coast of France known as Guernsey. They were first documented almost 200 years ago, first registered 100 years ago, and made their way to the United States about 25 years ago.
Guernseys are beautiful goats, although smaller in size than most full-size dairy goats. They have a golden coat that ranges from blonde to bronze and peachy skin. They frequently grow a “fringe” of long hair along the back, hind legs, and sometimes the belly. Breed standard does not require a fringe though, and short hair is perfectly acceptable as well.
This handsome goat is friendly and docile. They produce on average half to three-quarters of a gallon of milk a day, which is less than most standard-sized breeds, but they are smaller in stature and have a great conversion rate from feed to milk. They also have a good butterfat and protein content which means you would get a larger cheese yield per gallon of milk than some breeds.
When it comes to grazing or confinement, these goats do well in most situations. Some folks consider the Guernsey goat the perfect homestead goat, but I will leave that up to you to decide!
3. LaMancha
From my experience, you either love LaMancha goats or don't. LaManchas are probably most known for their ears (or some might say the lack thereof, lol). They have two types of ears, elf or gopher, but neither is very big! LaManchas are at least 28 inches tall and around 130 lbs when fully grown.
LaMancha dairy goats are also known for being sweet, calm, and good producers. You can expect at least a gallon-a-day average from these girls. They can come in any color or color combination. LaManchas are among the top 4 most popular dairy goat breeds in the United States. They are sturdy and adaptable, producing well in many different climates and locations.
I would personally love to have a LaMancha or two, but it's on the short list of animals I'm not allowed to own, lol. (Sheep and white-faced blue-eyed horses are the others) My husband just doesn't care for the no ears. It's ok though because I have 8 other dairy goat breeds to choose from!
4. Nigerian Dwarf
Nigerian Dwarf goats are the smallest of the dairy goat breeds and are considered to be “miniature”. By ADGA standards, they are only allowed to be from 17-22.5 inches in height at the withers (top of the shoulders). They do not have a weight standard, but they average around 75 lbs when fully grown.
Nigerians (sometimes shortened to “NDs”) are probably the most popular dairy goat breed in the United States. They have become insanely popular with backyard homesteaders because their small size requires less space to house than larger goats. They also eat less than their standard-sized friends as well.
Nigerian Dwarves are funny with their silly antics but tend to be a little bit loud! They produce considerably less milk than larger breed goats, but are easier to handle and care for. You can expect up to a half-gallon of milk a day from a well-bred Nigerian. If you have larger hands or difficulty milking, Nigerians might not be the best choice as their udder and teats are smaller than a standard-size breed would be in general. (There are always exceptions to the rule)
These little goats come in all colors and color combinations and can have blue or brown eyes. They originated in South Africa, but once they got to the United States, they really took off! Unlike most of the other dairy goat breeds, NDs can be bred year-round, making it easier to plan for milk needs.
5. Nubian
I have owned several Nubian and Nubian cross goats over the years, and they are always some of my favorites. They are fun and silly goats and usually make me laugh. Nubians are characterized by long pendulous ears and stately “Roman noses”. Their noses are convex rather than straight or a bit concave.
Nubians can be any color or pattern, and they come in lots of fun colors! Some might even have moonspots, which are irregular or round-shaped colored spots on top of their regular coat color and pattern. Ethically, we shouldn't breed our goats ONLY for certain colors or patterns, but it's sure fun when they show up!
Nubians make wonderful-tasting sweet milk, in general. Even though they generally produce less quantity of milk, they have a higher butterfat content than any of the other standard-sized breeds, which makes them a great choice if you want to get into cheesemaking. More butterfat (along with protein) means a higher yield of cheese from each gallon of milk.
Even though they can be a little noisier and more dramatic than some of the other dairy goat breeds, Nubians are on my top 3 dairy goat breeds to own list.
6. Oberhasli
The Oberhasli dairy goat breed hails from Switzerland and is known for its medium size, sweet milk, and beautiful bay-colored coat. Even though they may produce the least amount of milk during lactation compared to other standard-sized dairy goats, their calm temperament and hardiness make them a valuable addition to any homestead or farm.
Oberhasli goats typically average around three-fourths of a gallon of milk per day, with a butterfat content of approximately 3.5%. While they may not be the highest-producing dairy goat, their milk is prized for its sweetness and creamy texture.
Oberhasli goats are generally calm and easy to handle, making them a good choice for beginners. However, they can be pushy or bossy with other goats, so make sure that you keep an eye on them, especially during feeding time.
Their hardiness and thriftiness are other desirable traits that make them an excellent choice for those living in a variety of climates. They are able to withstand harsh weather conditions and can thrive on a variety of forage and feed.
Some things to think about…
7. Saanen
Saanen dairy goats are a Swiss breed known for their high milk production, sometimes referred to as the “queen of dairy goats” or the “Holstein of dairy goats.” The first purebred registered goats I owned were Saanens, and I have owned more of this breed than any other, although I no longer raise them. (See the section on Sables below)
These all-white goats are of similar size and weight to Alpines (at least 30 inches and average 135 lbs full grown), and can produce over a gallon of milk per day on average through their lactation, with peaks that reach over 2 gallons per day.
While their high milk production is one of their most notable traits, Saanen goats are also known for their calm temperament and sweet personality. Saanen does should have a feminine appearance, without being overly fine-boned, adding to their graceful and elegant look.
Their milk is delicious. It may not have as high of butterfat as Nubians or Nigerians, but it's still creamy nonetheless. Saanen goats are known for their ability to produce a consistent and high-quality milk supply, making them a popular choice among commercial dairy farmers.
Overall, the Saanen dairy goat is an excellent choice for those seeking a highly productive and calm dairy goat breed. Their high milk production, sweet personality, and all-white coat make them a valuable addition to any homestead or farm. I would caution, however, that they put everything into their milk production. If you do not have access to high-quality hay or pasture, you may find it a bit more difficult to keep weight on a Saanen. (Similar to most “Swiss' breeds.)
8. Sable
Sable dairy goats are my all-time favorite breed of goat! They are what I currently raise, and I just love the goofballs to pieces. They are known for their high milk production, calm temperament, and wide range of colors and patterns. In fact, they can be any color or pattern EXCEPT for all white.
Sables were originally just a colored version of a Saanen goat. (Remember they are a Swiss breed like the Alpine) We (that's a collective general “we”) decided that Saanens should only be white as a breed standard, so any time Saanens with color popped up they were looked down upon by many. That was until some admirers of the “breed” decided that they needed to be preserved, and started intentionally breeding those colored Saanen goats.
To make a long story short (as well as one filled with all kinds of politics), ADGA ended up recognizing Sables as their own breed of dairy goat. To this day, though, you will find Purebred Saanen dairy goats that are carriers of a recessive color gene. If you bred two of those together, you stand a chance of having a Sable or “colored Saanen” for their offspring.
Ok, enough of that… like the Saanen breed, Sables are known for their high milk production, with some producing over a gallon of milk per day on average through their lactation. Their milk is prized for its high butterfat content and creamy texture, making it a popular choice for cheese and butter production. I expect my does to produce at least a gallon by their second lactation. Many of my girls reach 2 gallons a day easily during their lactations.
In terms of temperament, Sable goats are generally calm and sweet-natured, making them an excellent choice for those seeking a companionable and productive dairy goat. The does should have a feminine appearance, without being overly fine-boned, adding to their graceful and elegant look.
Sable goats can be found in a variety of colors and patterns, from light to dark, with various markings on their coats. Their unique coats are a distinguishing feature of the breed, making them a valuable addition to any homestead or farm.
Overall, the Sable dairy goat is an excellent choice for those seeking a productive and colorful dairy goat breed. Their high milk production, calm temperament, and unique coats make them a fun addition to any homestead or farm. As with the Saanens, Sables require some really great hay, pasture, and overall nutrition to keep them in good flesh while they are milking.
9. Toggenburg
The Toggenburg dairy goat is one of the oldest known dairy goat breeds, with an origin that can be traced back to Switzerland. They are medium-sized goats (around 26 inches tall and an average of 120lbs when full grown) with a distinctive coloring of a light brown to chocolate-brown body and white ears, face, and legs. Does may also be black with the correct white markings, but bucks must be brown to be registered.
Toggenburgs are kind of middle-of-the-road when it comes to the quantity of milk produced. You can expect a Toggenburg doe to produce around an average of 1 gallon of milk per day during her lactation.
Toggenburg goats are generally friendly and easy to handle, making them a good choice for beginners. They can, however, be independent and stubborn at times, so it's important to establish a good working relationship with them from a young age.
If you're considering raising Toggenburg dairy goats, it's important to provide them with plenty of space and a well-balanced diet. They are active and enjoy climbing. Some large rocks, wooden spools, or other various climbing items would be enjoyed in their pen. The only goats I have had that were fence jumpers were a Kiko buck and does that have Togg genetics in them. I still love them though!
Overall, the Toggenburg dairy goat is a great choice for those looking for a medium-sized, good-producing dairy goat with a friendly disposition. Toggs are tied for the number two and three positions with Nubians on my top three dairy goat breeds to raise. They're just very lovable!
What about crossbreeds?
So, if I'm being honest, I REALLY love crossbred goats. I started out with some mixes and then went to registered purebred goats because I want to show and raise kids to sell. Purebred and registered goats bring better prices, so I thought that was the way to go.
If raising purebred goats is your thing, that is really great! You won't get any judgment from me. There is a small part of me that misses showing and raising purebred dairy goats. However, my all-time favorite goats (except for a couple) have all been crosses.
There is something known as “hybrid vigor” and I firmly believe in it. My purebred goats were always a little more weak for lack of a better word. They were always the first to get sick or the first to get pulled down when the grazing or hay was less than ideal. My cross goats have always been healthier, sturdier, and just more robust all around.
If you want to get into the dairy goat show world, then you need those registered goats to do that. If you're just wanting a robust goat to produce delicious milk for your family, then consider a crossbred goat if you find one for sale.
So, Big Question… how do you choose the best dairy goat breed for you?
I recommend making a list of characteristics you need or want in your goats. Think about things like:
- How much milk do I need every day?
- What temperament do I want in my goats?
- How much space do I have to house goats?
- How much space do I have to house feed and hay?
- What size of teats can I physically hand milk?
- Which breeds would be best if I need to have someone else milk for me sometimes?
- Would I be happy with just one color of goat?
- Would a goat with no ears creep my husband out? (No, just mine? Lol)
- What size of goat can I physically handle and transport?
- Do I want to raise registered goats and/or show them?
- What breed of bucks can I find near me if I'm not purchasing one?
I could keep that list going for a while, but I think you probably get the idea.
Once you have your list, look through the characteristics of each breed, and write down which ones will meet each requirement on your list. Then go through your list again and see which breed or breeds show up the most. That is where I would start looking for goats to purchase.
Which is your favorite?
Do you have a favorite dairy goat breed or one that is atypical when it comes to breed standards? What about a favorite crossbred goat? Send me a message or tell me in the comments. I love to talk about all things goat any time!