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Trying to find some breeds of chickens that lay white eggs? Wanting to add some white-shelled eggs to your egg basket? If so, I have some suggestions for you! As a fellow homesteader, I know that keeping chickens for eggs (and even meat) can be very rewarding and a crucial part of your food security plan.

There are many other breeds of chickens that lay white eggs out there than what is on this list, To avoid overwhelm, I've focused this list on those breeds that will make good layers for your homestead. (Some are even dual-purpose!)
You'll also notice that many of these breeds are a bit rare today. If helping to conserve heritage and old breeds is something that interests you, then you will find several chickens that lay white eggs on this list that will fit the bill
Is there any real difference in eggs with different colors of shells?
Honestly, the only difference between eggs of different colors is simply the eggshell color. You can find chickens that lay blue eggs, brown eggs, green eggs (olive eggers), even pink eggs, and every shade in between!
What is on the inside of the egg is all the same. The nutrition and egg quality all depend on your specific chicken and how she is taken care of, not the eggshell color.
Egg Facts
The inside of the shell of white and brown eggs is always white. However, if you have blue or green eggs, the inside of the shell will be blue or green.
All eggs start out white. The color they are in the end depends on the genetics of the chicken. Brown eggs will get a brown pigment put on them as the egg travels through the hen's reproductive tract. Blue eggs get a blue pigment that permeates the shell leading to the blue interior.
For green eggs, the hen deposits a brown pigment over the blue resulting in a green color. The shade of the brown pigment dictates what shade of green the final egg will end up being.
What Breed of Chicken Lays White Eggs?
Short answer? A bunch of them! That being said, there are actually many more breeds that make good homestead chickens of brown egg layers than there are breeds of white egg layers. Let's take a look at some of the ones best suited for your homestead or backyard flock.
First up on our list of chickens that lay white eggs is the hardy, prolific Ancona chickens. These beautiful birds boast black and white mottling and are very active, busy, and talkative.
They get along well with other chickens and forage like champs, making them excellent free-rangers. Plus, they fly well, which helps them avoid ground predators.
Not only do Anconas lay around 220 large white-shelled eggs per year, but they also lay better through the winter than Leghorns. These birds are regular, dependable layers and are very hardy and prolific. They can easily handle cold weather and continue to lay even during the winter months.
While they aren't cuddly, they are happy to be around the people they are used to and are full of personality. So, if you want a great layer that's as fun to be around and is productive, the Ancona chicken is the perfect choice for your backyard flock or homestead.
If you're looking for a superstar when it comes to chickens that lay white eggs, you'll find none better than the Leghorn chicken breed. There are 12 different recognized colors of Leghorn chickens ranging from all white (which is the most popular) to shades of brown, black, and red.
While all of the color varieties are known for laying large white eggs, the White Leghorn chicken variety will provide you with the most eggs per year if properly cared for. You may receive up to 6 eggs per week from White Leghorns.ย
Leghorns are great foragers and much prefer to free-range. However, if you need to keep them in a pen, make sure to provide them with lots of extra space to explore. You also need a high fence as they can and will fly.
They have either a single comb or a rose comb depending on the color variety and have white earlobes. Leghorn chickens are hands down one of the best chicken breeds for producing fresh eggs in your backyard flock.
Chickens with white earlobes are more than likely chickens that lay white eggs.
If you're looking for small, beautiful, and spirited chickens that lay white eggs, the Hamburg might be just what you're looking for. The Hamburg chicken exhibits a good tolerance to cold temperatures. They are excellent foragers and are known for their fast-paced, active lifestyles.
Hamburg hens are decent layers, producing around 150+ white eggs per year, and they can continue laying for several years without a break. One thing to note is that Hamburgs don't typically go broody, so if you're looking to hatch your own chicks, you'll need to plan accordingly.
Hamburgs have a long history that dates all the way back to the 14th century in Holland. They are quite beautiful birds, especially the roosters, which, when mature, have a stately long arched tail.
Hamburgs are excellent at escaping predators and can be quite flighty. They do not do well being kept confined, however, if you have a homestead with plenty of space and can free-range your chickens, Hamburgs can be a great addition to your flock. Overall, if you're looking for a friendly, active, and productive breed of chicken that lays white eggs and loves to forage, the Hamburg is definitely worth considering.
If you're looking for a heritage breed of chicken that lays white eggs and is great for the homestead, consider the Dorking! While this breed may not be the best choice for small spaces due to their large size and love of foraging, they do make a wonderful dual-purpose bird.
In addition to being a good layer of medium-sized white eggs (150-200 per year), the Dorking is also known for being an excellent mother and setting well. That makes them a great choice for homesteaders looking to hatch their own chicks.
The Dorking is a very old breed that can be traced all the way back to 54 BC and has remained popular over the centuries due to its hardiness, versatility, and excellent temperament. Even though they grow to a pretty large size (males can weigh up to 9 pounds), Dorkings are known for being calm, friendly, and generally easy to handle.
They also make a great choice for homesteaders who live in colder climates as they handle cold temperatures very well. Overall, if you have the space and are looking for a hardy, reliable, and friendly breed of chicken that lays white eggs and is great for the homestead, the Dorking is definitely worth considering
Austra White
If Leghorns are the superstars when it comes to chickens that lay white eggs, Austra Whites would be their band. When chicken keepers realized that Leghorns were flighty and not exactly “cuddly” and did in fact want a white egg layer that was a little more friendly, they crossed them with Black Australorps (which lay brown eggs) to produce this hybrid variety.
Austra Whites are fun chickens to keep. They will lay up to 300 cream to white shelled-eggs per year (the average is about 250) for you and your family. They are calm and docile and make great family birds.
Since they are a hybrid, Austra Whites will not breed true, so keep that in mind if you plan to hatch your own eggs in the future. They have mostly white feathers with a few black spots and can be used as a dual-purpose bird as they are heavier than the Leghorn chicken.
The Lakenvelder is a small, elegant breed of chicken that is known for being good white egg layers. They are typically not a cuddly “pet” type chicken, but they make up for that in their other attributes. Lakenvelders are also quite striking, with their black and white striped feathers and bright red combs and wattles.
They lay a medium-sized white egg, with hens typically laying around 150-200 eggs per year. Lakenvelders can be a bit flighty, so they need to be able to free range or have a secure, enclosed space where they can't fly away. That being said, they don't like being confined, and if they are can become unhappy and lead to unwanted behaviors.
Lakenvelders have a long history, dating back to the early 19th century in Germany and the Netherlands. They were originally bred for both their meat and eggs, but today they are primarily kept for their egg-laying abilities and their unique appearance.
Icelandic chickens are at the top of my wishlist. They are an old landrace chicken breed that was brought to Iceland in 9th century AD by the Vikings! They are genetically very different from the other breeds of chickens you find today, with over 75% of their DNA being unique to them.
Icelandic chickens come in a wide variety of colors with varying comb types. They lay a respectable amount of medium size creamy white eggs even through winter, approximately 180 per year.
Icelandics are best suited for your homestead if you are planning to free range your birds. When allowed, they can find most of their food themselves, eating a diet rich in plants and bugs. They really shine if you let them turn your kitchen and other scraps into compost. They were even called “pile chickens” in Iceland due to their love for compost piles.
Hens have a tendency to go broody and are excellent mothers. Well socialized birds (especially if handled from chicks) will be friendly and enjoyable to have around. They are very curious and good with kids if they have been raised around them.
Be prepared for these birds to not want to go into the coop at night. They prefer to roost as high as possible. If you have tall trees, that is probably where you will find them.
Andalusian chickens are a fantastic choice for homesteaders looking for chickens that lay white eggs. This Mediterranean breed can be a bit noisy but they make up for it with other qualities. They are rarely broody and are a smaller medium sized bird, laying up to 200 medium to large size white eggs per year.
The Andalusian breed is also very hardy and can handle cold temperatures as well, but much prefer warm weather as do most Mediterrnean breeds. They are quite adaptable though, can do well in most environments, and are even known to lay well through the winter months.
These rugged birds are perfect for free ranging, as they do not do well in confinement and are prone to feather eating if kept penned up. Andalusians are friendly and curious, but not necessarily cuddly.
These chickens that lay white eggs are very good flyers. If you do choose to pen these birds, you will probably need to put netting on the top of their enclosure. However, having this quality is very beneficial for free-ranging as they can fly up into the trees or other higher locations to escape predation.
Overall, Andalusians are a great choice for those looking for a productive, hardy, and adaptable breed of white egg layers.

Sicilian Buttercup
The Sicilian Buttercup breed of chicken is a fantastic addition to any homestead. Not only are they good layers, producing around 180 medium-sized white eggs per year, but they are also a unique and beautiful bird. Their color pattern is striking, with black and white stripes and spots, and they have a distinctive buttercup comb that sets them apart from other breeds.
While they are not broody and prefer to free-range, they are calm and active, making them a pleasure to have around. They are chatty but not excessively loud, which is a bonus for those who have close neighbors. However, they do not tolerate confinement well, so it's important to provide them with ample space to roam.
As an old heritage breed, Sicilian Buttercups have a long history and are a testament to the resilience and hardiness of chickens. They do well in warm weather but not so much in cold temperatures.
They are also good foragers, meaning they will help keep your yard or garden pest-free. All in all, the Sicilian Buttercup is a fantastic choice for anyone looking for chickens that lay white eggs and want a unique and colorful addition to their flock.
California Whites
The California White chicken is a wonderful breed for those looking for chickens that lay white eggs for their homestead. These birds are white with some black spots or flecks and are excellent layers of large white eggs.
One of the benefits of this breed is their hybrid vigor. Hybrid vigor means they are a cross between two different breeds resulting in a stronger and more robust chicken. California Whites are across between California Greys and White Leghorns.
They are very easy to handle and tolerate confinement well, making them a great option for those with smaller spaces. The California White chickens are quite resilient and very adaptable to different environments, which makes them a great choice for beginners.
Unlike their parent breed, the White Leghorn, California Whites are much more docile and less flighty, making them a great addition to any flock. They are also fast-growing and can handle colder temperatures, making them a great all-around chicken.
They lay up to 300 extra large white eggs per year, making them one of the best chickens that lay white eggs out there. And best of all, they are very quiet, so you won't have to worry about noise complaints from your neighbors.
Derbyshire Redcap
The Derbyshire Redcap is an excellent breed of chicken for homesteaders looking for productive, hardy chickens that lay white eggs. They are believed to be one of the oldest dual-purpose breeds of chicken in existence, and are named for their distinctive large rose comb that looks like a cap.
Redcaps are known for being alert and proud birds, with a lively and active disposition that makes them great foragers. They are quite rare today, and are in need of people to help preserve the breed.
The Derbyshire Redcap is a grat choice for a homestead chicken thanks to their egg-laying ability as well as making a great option for filling your freezer. They typically lay around 150-200 medium to large-sized white eggs per year, making them a productive addition to any homestead flock.
Redcaps are quite hardy, with the ability to withstand cold temperatures well, although they do not thrive in extreme heat. They really don't like confinement, and do best when allowed to free-range and exercise their foraging instincts.
Overall, the Derbyshire Redcap is a fantastic breed of chicken for homesteaders who value productivity, hardiness, and unique breed characteristics. If you're looking for rare and interesting chickens that lay white eggs, the Derbyshire Redcap is definitely worth considering
La Fleche
These beautiful birds are another breed on the endangered list, so they're definitely worth considering for homesteaders looking to preserve rare breeds. One of their defining characteristics is their unique “v-shaped” comb, which sets them apart from other breeds.
Although they have a slim appearance, La Fleches are actually fairly heavy birds. They tend to be flighty and aren't known for being particularly cuddly, but they make up for it in other ways.
They have excellent meat quality and are known to lay about 180 large size white eggs per year. While they will tolerate confinement with plenty of space, they prefer to free range whenever possible.
They're also heat tolerant, but not as cold hardy as some other breeds. One thing to keep in mind is that La Fleches only come in black, so if you're looking for variety in your flock's appearance, you may want to consider other breeds as well.
Black Minorca
When you're looking for chickens that lay white eggs, then the Minorca breed is definitely one to consider and another breed that is on the top of my list to get. They are the largest and heaviest of the Mediterranean breeds, and may even seem imposing to some.
Black Minorcas are absolutely stunning with their shiny black feathers (though they do come in other colors as well) and large white earlobes. They have large combs and wattles that can be prone to frostbite, so they prefer warmer climates or will need protection from the cold.
Minorcas are very rugged hardy birds, very active, and a bit high-string at times. They're not the best for meat production due to their body shape and the dryness of their meat, but they lay up to 200 extra large white eggs per year depending on the line you get your hens from.
They do well in confinement if given plenty of space, but are also really good foragers and love to free range. Minorcas are friendly and easy to manage, and are a great choice for anyone looking for chickens that lay white eggs.
Ok, let's be honest, this breed of white egg-laying chicken would not be my first choice for my backyard flock, BUT they might be the most fun! They are friendly and docile, and don't mind being held which is great if you have little ones running around your homestead. (Side note, make sure everyone washes their hands after handling the chickens!)
They may not be the best choice if you have a lot of cold weather as they prefer warmer and dry climates. They might be a little high maintenance with the feathery pouf on the top of their heads. They may lay only a few small white eggs per week depending on the strain your purchase, but we all need a few chickens in our flock that just make us smile.
Polish chickens come in lots of fun colors that will add variety to your flock. They also have a unique “v-shaped” comb that is hidden under their top hat of feathers. They truly are a beautiful bird, and one you should consider if you want some white eggs in your egg basket.
The Campine breed of chickens is a great addition to any homestead looking for chickens that lay white eggs. These birds are good layers, producing around 170 medium white-shelled eggs per year. They are not broody, so you can expect a regular supply of eggs throughout the year.
The Campine is a smaller-sized bird, making them ideal for smaller spaces or for those who prefer to keep a smaller flock.
The Campine is a beautiful breed with a unique color pattern in silver and gold varieties. They are friendly and funny, but not necessarily cuddly, making them a great breed for those who want a chicken that is easy to manage but also has some personality. They are good foragers and enjoy free-ranging, although they can tolerate confinement if given enough space.
The Campine is also a good breed for beginners, as they are non-aggressive and get along well with other breeds in a mixed flock. Overall, the Campine is an active and hardy breed that does well in the heat, but may need extra protection in cold temperatures.
The Catalana breed of chickens can make a great addition to any homestead that is looking for chickens that lay white eggs. These birds are alert, active, and excellent foragers, making them a wonderful choice for those who want chickens that can take care of themselves. Although they are shy, they are not aggressive and can be a good choice for a mixed flock.
As a dual-purpose breed, Catalanas can be used for both meat and eggs, and they are good flyers, so they can easily avoid predators. They do not tolerate confinement well, so it's best to let them free range. They are not cold hardy, but they are very heat tolerant. This makes them a great choice for warm and hot climates.
Catalana chickens are robust and hardy, and although not very well-known, they seem to be a good choice for those who want a productive, beautiful bird that lays around 150-200 white-shelled eggs per year. Plus, they are not broody, so you won't have to worry about them sitting on their eggs instead of laying them.
The Holland chicken is a small and friendly breed that is perfect for homesteaders who are short on space. This breed is known for being curious and very sociable
Holland chickens were originally bred back in the 1930s. In the United States, brown eggs were the standard, but white-shelled eggs were highly sought after! So, breeders crossed the original imports from Holland with the White Leghorns, Rhode Island Red, and other chicken breeds to come up with the Holland breed we have today.
Hollands are quite rare nowadays, but they make a fantastic dual-purpose breed for the modern homestead. They are medium-sized white egg layers that have a very meaty carcass. They come in two color varieties, barred (black and white) and solid white.
Holland chickens are good foragers but do well being penned also. They are friendly happy birds that will supply you with 200 or more white eggs per year.
Did You See Any Breeds You Want to Try?
Older breeds of chickens that lay white eggs, such as the Mediterranean-type breeds like Leghorn, Ancona, and Catalana, have many similar characteristics that make them great for homesteaders. They are good layers of white-shelled eggs, active foragers, and prefer free-ranging over confinement. These breeds also tend to be heat-tolerant, friendly, and easy to care for, making them ideal for beginners.
When it comes down to it, choosing a breed of chicken that lays white eggs is a matter of personal preference. There are so many great options available, it's hard to go wrong! So, whether you prefer a docile or an independent breed, you can find a chicken that lays white eggs to raise on your homestead. Get ready to enjoy the benefits of raising your own flock of healthy chickens that lay delicious and nutritious eggs!