young woman petting a sweet tan colored nubian goat

Raising Dairy Goats For Beginners: Basic Goat Terminology You Need TO Know.

If you’re new to raising dairy goats, one of the first things you’ll need to do is familiarize yourself with the basic goat terminology. I’ve compiled a list of goat terms you’ll encounter when raising goats, from breeding and milking terms to anatomy and vet terms. By understanding these goat terms, you’ll be better equipped…

Raising Dairy Goats for Beginners: 10 Tips for Buying Your First Goat

Raising Dairy Goats for Beginners: 10 Tips for Buying Your First Goat

If you’re thinking of buying your first goat, congratulations! You’re in for a real treat. Goats are intelligent, friendly animals that make great companions, and they produce delicious, nutritious milk that you’ll love. If you’ve never owned goats before, the idea of buying your first goat might be a little bit scary. I thought making…